Sunday, June 21, 2009


"A white-tailed deer drinks from the creek; I want to drink God, deep draughts of God. I'm thirsty for God-alive. I wonder, "Will I ever make it— arrive and drink in God's presence?" Psalm 42:1-2 (The Message)

A friend asked me recently to show her how to find the presence of God so she could take that long awaited drink that the scripture speaks about. Perhaps you, too, are looking for something to quench your thirst for that longing in your soul. This longing, doesn't mean there is something wrong with you, it was put there by God the creator. You and I were made in God's image and were designed to know and be with God. I'll tell you what I told her:

It starts by having a conversation with God asking him to be your personal, life-long companion, giving up the navigation of your life to the creator of you and your world. Along the way you shed all the really heavy things you "packed" for the trip like self sufficiency, pride and fear. God wants to carry them for you...let him.

As your load becomes lighter, you are able to focus more on the conversation during the walk. You'll learn some amazing stuff about God as you are able to listen to Him.

When you are tired, God will provide for you a quiet stream of cool water to drink from. It will quench your thirst like nothing you've ever consumed before. Once you have tasted of the perfect love of Christ, you will crave more and more. As you learn more about God's ways, you'll learn to let go of other things that weigh you down, like anger, bitterness and loneliness.

My friend, God has a wonderful gift for you, forgiveness for EVERYTHING you've done that displeases Him. We are God’s creation and He desperately desires to be loved back by us. The problem with that is the fact that our sin and disobedience to God, prevents us from being close to Him. That’s why God sacrificed his own son, Jesus Christ, who lived as a human being and paid the price of death for our sin.

Now, if only you will accept that gift of grace from God and Jesus, you can be close to Father God. Finally, you can have that feeling of being complete and stop searching for the love you crave. To accept this gift, all you have to do is talk to God like you talked to you best friend on the phone. Tell Him how you feel and ask for his forgiveness for your disobedience toward Him. He is waiting to hear from you and He will not be angry with you. On the contrary, He wants to love you so much it hurts him…so let him love you.

God has written you a love letter, it's called the Bible, begin to read it. I suggest starting with the book of John in the New Testament. Read some part of the book everyday and claim the promise from God to love you no matter what. You’ll be amazed by the peace that can fill your heart and life.

Ask God, Ask yourself and Ask me lots of questions. Seek true understanding of God. You will find it in Him and his word, the Bible. I did. It’s made a huge, positive impact on me and changed my life forever.

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